What are the Ericksonian principles?

In this article, Marilyn Atkinson presents The Erickson coaching approach to inspiring change.

Dr. Milton Erickson was an american psychiatrist working through the second half of the 20th century.

His healing abilities were world famous and he was widely regarded as a wonder-worker. Marilyn Atkinson as a young psychologist, studied his approach to healing and discovered the power of his work as a doorway to professional love. In the article, Marilyn describes The Five Ericksonian Coaching Principles. "With these principles, we respect each individual that we work with as a resourceful, well-meaning human being. We can learn to develop life and legacy following the same principles of coaching, showing love as professionalism. To do this, we use the Erickson approach," she wrote. What are the Ericksonian principles? .

You can read about them here.

What are the Ericksonian principles?

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